Delightful Garden Border
Lemon Bottlebrush
Fox Tail Agave, Velvet Agave
Purple Tree Aeonium
Golden Toothed Aloe
Aeonium cultivars
Bougainvillea selections
Perennial Marigold
Dome Euphorbia
Lemon Bottlebrush

Common name:Lemon Bottlebrush
Botanical name:Callistemon citrinus

A large evergreen shrub, the Lemon Bottlebrush bears masses of bright red flowers in the spring and summer that are shaped, as the name implies, like a 'bottle brush.' New foliage grows in a bright, bronzy red.

Fox Tail Agave, Velvet Agave

Common name:Fox Tail Agave, Velvet Agave
Botanical name:Agave attenuata

This Agave has a dramatic tropical form. Even light frost can damage its succulent leaves. It is great for containers. In the low desert, partial sun will be best. If it becomes top heavy, simply cut and stick in the ground to root. It is not a fast grower and has light green foliage. It will also die after flowering but pups around the mother will survive. Distinctive with its large rosette of leaves perched on a long curving trunk, it is a native from Mexico.

Purple Tree Aeonium

Common name:Purple Tree Aeonium
Botanical name:Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop'

Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop' is a succulent perennial that is used for accenting effect. Aeonium arboreum grows 3' tall and wide. Each branch has a 6"-8 " wide rosette of dark green, fleshy leaves.The flowers are yellow in clusters.

Golden Toothed Aloe

Common name:Golden Toothed Aloe
Botanical name:Aloe X nobilis

This succulent perennial will only grow 1' tall and 1' wide. It has large, sharp, dark green leaves and clusters of red-orange flowers that bloom in summer.

Aeonium cultivars

Common name:Aeonium cultivars
Botanical name:Aeonium cultivars

These plants are one of the most useful succulents, due to their decorative effects and sculpturesque quality. The branched stems hold a wide rosetta of either light green or purple leaves. The flowers appear in long, clustered form. They need some shade in hotter areas. Prostrate forms are low-growing, and spreading.

Bougainvillea selections

Common name:Bougainvillea selections
Botanical name:Bougainvillea cultivars

This species is hardy and vigorous, with a showy, ornamental display of purple color. It blooms well in areas with cool summers. It is senstive to frost and will die back hard but comes back in a number of weeks. Be carefeul of this in the Santa Ynez Valley.

Perennial Marigold

Common name:Perennial Marigold
Botanical name:Tagetes lemmonii

This larger perennial will grow to 6' tall and has small, light green leaves with yellow mustard colored flowers that bloom in winter and spring. Cut back to within 6" of the ground to refresh and reduce the size of the plant. This plant is a riot of color!

Dome Euphorbia

Common name:Dome Euphorbia
Botanical name:Euphorbia characias

This perennial will reach about 4' tall and has blue green leaves with bright green flowers that bloom from late winter to early spring.

The Right Plant Right Place

Putting the right plants in the right places in the right groupings is both the challenge and art of good landscape design.

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Delightful Garden Border

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.

Integrated Pest Management:

Remove irrigation water and fertilizer from areas where you don't want weeds to grow.




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